• ཛི་ན་མི་ཏྲ།
  • ཨཱ་ཙཱརྱ་ཛི་ན་མི་ཏྲ།
  • dzi na mi tra
  • A tsArya dzi na mi tra
  • jinamitra
  • ācāryo jinamitraḥ
  • Note: this data is still being sorted
  • Person
Publications: 63

Jinamitra was invited to Tibet during the reign of King Tri Songdetsen (khri srong lde btsan, r. 742–98 ᴄᴇ) and was involved with the translation of nearly two hundred texts, continuing into the reign of King Ralpachen (ral pa can, r. 815–38 ᴄᴇ). He was one of the small group of paṇḍitas responsible for the Mahāvyutpatti Sanskrit–Tibetan dictionary.