Teachings on Sūtra | Cultivating a Bodhisattva Mind

This coming Lhabab Düchen, we invite you to join us live with Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche who will speak on cultivating the mind of a bodhisattva with close reference to The Sūtra of Wisdom at the Hour of Death. 



Related Reading

 The Sūtra of Wisdom at the Hour of Death.  (Toh 122)


About the Speaker

Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche is recognized tulku of the Kagyu and Nyingma lineages of Tibetan Buddhism, a teacher, spiritual leader and best selling author. He possesses a rare ability to present the ancient wisdom of Tibet in a fresh, engaging manner. His profound yet accessible teachings and playful sense of humor have endeared him to students around the world. Uniquely, Rinpoche’s teachings weave together his own personal experiences with modern scientific research, as they relate to the practice of meditation.

Mingyur Rinpoche has authored several books including two best-sellers: The Joy of Living: Unlocking the Secret and Science of Happiness ,which has been translated into over 20 languages; and In Love with the World: A Monk’s Journey Through the Bardos of Living and Dying. His recent TED Talk is entitled How to tap into your awareness — and why meditation is easier than you think.

Rinpoche teaches extensively around the world and oversees the Tergar Meditation Community, an international network of meditation centers on six continents. He is responsible for three monasteries, has created and supports numerous schools, and initiated a variety of social engagement projects in the Himalayas. For more information, please visit Tergar Sangha


About Teachings on Sūtra

The Teachings on Sūtra webinar series draws from our translated collection of the Tibetan Buddhist canon and explores key themes from the sutras. Each event brings in teachers of the Buddhadharma to speak about the theme with reference to specific texts in the Kangyur, and takes place on what are considered to be the four most auspicious days of the Buddhist calendar: Celebration of the Buddha’s Miracles (Chötrul Düchen), Celebration of the Buddha’s Birth, Awakening, and Parinirvana (Saga Dawa), Celebration of the Buddha’s Teachings (Chökhor Düchen), and Celebration of the Buddha’s Return from the Realms of the Gods (Lhabab Düchen).

Posted: 19 Oct 2023