Emergence from Sampuṭa
Chapter 7
Toh 381
Degé Kangyur, vol. 79 (rgyud ’bum, ga), folios 73.b–158.b
- Gayādhara
- Drokmi Śākya Yeshé
Translated by the Dharmachakra Translation Committee
under the patronage and supervision of 84000: Translating the Words of the Buddha.
First published 2020
Current version v 1.12.11 (2024)
Generated by 84000 Reading Room v2.26.1
84000: Translating the Words of the Buddha is a global non-profit initiative to translate all the Buddha’s words into modern languages, and to make them available to everyone.
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Table of Contents
The tantra Emergence from Sampuṭa is an all-inclusive compendium of Buddhist theory and practice as taught in the two higher divisions of the Yoga class of tantras, the “higher” (uttara) and the “highest” (niruttara), or, following the popular Tibetan classification, the Father and the Mother tantras. Dating probably to the end of the tenth century, the bulk of the tantra consists of a variety of earlier material, stretching back in time and in the doxographical hierarchy to the Guhyasamāja, a text traditionally regarded as the first tantra in the Father group. Drawing from about sixteen well-known and important works, including the most seminal of the Father and Mother tantras, it serves as a digest of this entire group, treating virtually every aspect of advanced tantric theory and practice. It has thus always occupied a prominent position among canonical works of its class, remaining to this day a rich source of quotations for Tibetan exegetes.
This translation was produced by the Dharmachakra Translation Committee under the supervision of Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche. Wiesiek Mical prepared the Sanskrit edition, translated the text into English, and wrote the introduction. James Gentry then compared the translation against the Tibetan root text, the Sampuṭodbhava Tantra commentaries found in the Tengyur, and Wiesiek’s Sanskrit edition, and edited the translation. Dharmachakra is indebted to Dr. Péter Szántó for his help in obtaining facsimiles of some manuscripts and other helpful materials.
The translation was completed under the patronage and supervision of 84000: Translating the Words of the Buddha.
Work on this translation was made possible by the generosity of a sponsor who wishes to remain anonymous, and who adds the following dedication: May all the sufferings and fears of mother sentient beings be pacified swiftly by the power of the truth of the Triple Gem.
Text Body
Emergence from Sampuṭa
Chapter 7
Part 1
[Vajragarbha said:]
[The Blessed One said:]
“These, which are code words with a single syllable each, will be understood by the virile ones and their sisters.430 This is the art of the pledge seals consisting of syllables.” {7.1.14}
Vajragarbha said:
The Blessed One said:
“If one employs the deity yoga of the glorious Vajrasattva or others and frowns with the right eyebrow, one will be successful, upon contemplating sky-travel, in rising into the air. If one frowns with the left eyebrow, victory over a hostile army will follow. With the same practice one will crush the forces of Māra.458 {7.1.26}
“If one contemplates the form of Gaurī or other female deities and bats one’s left eye, one will be able to manifest their forms. [F.120.a] If one contemplates the form of Vajrasattva or other male deities and bats one’s right eye, one will manifest their respective forms.459 {7.1.27}
“Without an agreed convention of language, not even the well-established worldly usages would have any effect.460 The same is the case with the yogic accomplishments in poetry and song, both mundane and supramundane.461 {7.1.28}
“This concludes the section about the art of gaze-mudrās.
“One should place the following465 in a bowl made of a brahmin’s skull or, as one’s second choice, any human skull. Aside from [a skull] of a woman, a man, a hermaphrodite, and so forth, [a skull] of a crow, an owl, a vulture, or a sparrow will produce various excellent466 accomplishments. The procedure prescribes wild licorice root. Through this, one will be able to assume at will the fine form of an elephant or a horse, or, according to one’s wish, the form of an ox or a buffalo, or, should one wish it so, a dog, a cat, or a jackal. Depending on one’s wish, one can be a male or a female. {7.1.33}
“One can enter any being by censing oneself with black bdellium resin burned inside the mouth cavity of a corpse, with the fire from a cremation pyre, on the day of spirits,467 during the waning period of the lunar month. By censing oneself as before with a mixture of equal parts thorn apple fruit, yellow arsenic, citrons, leadwort, sweet flag, and chicken eggs,468 one can enter anywhere in the animate or inanimate worlds. {7.1.34} [F.120.b]
“The root of white oleander, margosa, and grasshoppers, combined with a hundredth part of the venom from a scorpion’s stinger,469 will, when applied to the hand, transform it into a gonāsa snake. {7.1.35}
“For seven days one should douse velvet bean pods and soak chalk with the milk from giant milkweed. When a drawing made with this chalk and velvet bean mixture is touched, one will become like the king of serpents, with poisonous hands. An antidote to the touch of these hands is explained as follows: {7.1.36}
“Sandal, mesua flower, costus root, and emetic nut, combined with Indian valerian, neutralize a variety of poisons. So does costus mixed with rice water.470 Should one consume a pill consisting of the pith of Indian valerian, together with the feces471 of a child born on that day, one will be able to drink poison as much as one likes, like Vajrapāṇi himself. {7.1.37}
“A touch from a hand smeared with a broth made with the fat of a frog and an earth boa snake, and with the fruit of sebesten tree, will remove poison. {7.1.38}
“An ointment made from ghee, sandal, peacock blood, and the bones and flesh of an earth boa snake, when applied to the body,472 can detoxify even the entire triple universe upon contact. {7.1.39}
“The fever that recurs every four days will be cured if, while concentrating by means of the ritual procedure of getting naked, and the rest, one fastens to the hand on the day of spirits a root of fragrant swamp mellow broken into seven pieces. {7.1.40}
“By merely applying an incense composed of equal parts of newly shed skin from a large snake and peacock feathers, one will create enmity throughout the triple universe. {7.1.41}
“Alternatively, by merely burning an incense, according to procedure, composed of equal parts crow and owl feathers, one will actually cause enmity even among the supporters of Hara.473 {7.1.42}
“When the head of a snake placed inside the hole of a horse’s hoof is buried together with the tongue of a mad dog underneath the door of the enemy’s house, he will be driven away after seven days. {7.1.43} [F.121.a]
“Flame lily, pig feces, hair from the head of a corpse, and bones of a camel—this excellent method will send into exile, after seven days, even the entire triple universe.474 {7.1.44}
“By smearing on a mirror flowers of red oleander, cashew nut, and mangosteen oil, the shapes of a horse, a donkey, a camel, and so forth, will be seen in it. {7.1.45}
“Through burning in a sealed duplex vessel the hooves and claws of a horse, a cow, a boar, a monkey, an ass, and a camel, mixed with frog fat, the forms of those creatures will be seen, as stipulated earlier. After anointing the eyes, during the asterism of Puṣya,475 with alangium seed oil and cow’s milk, one will perceive in the mirror any forms present within the universe. {7.1.46}
“A person whose eyes are anointed with a paste of Indian valerian fruit and alangium oil will see ordinary people as divine forms. Through anointing his eyes with oil his vision will go back to normal.476 {7.1.47}
“After anointing the feet with camphor,477 powdered leech, frog fat, and root of the trumpet flower tree, one will be able to walk upon a heap of smoldering embers. {7.1.48}
“After smearing the hands and the feet with spikenard, frog fat, powdered leech, and cardamom, one will be able to make fire feel as cold as snow. {7.1.49}
“After taking blood of a water snake478 into one’s mouth, the wise person will be able to enter water and remain there as long as he likes, as if inside a floating house.479 {7.1.50}
“Should he put on a pair of shoes, having filled them with seeds of the broken bones plant, a person thus purified will be able to walk on water as if on a road.480 {7.1.51}
“A wise person, after smearing all the orifices of his body with a paste made of freshly churned butter, gold dust, onion,481 and fish oil, will be able to move in water like an alligator. {7.1.52}
“Seeds from a branch of thorn apple mixed with wood dust produced by woodworms,482 together with female cuckoo birds,483 will make a person like a ghost. [F.121.b] This can be reversed by means of a molasses and rice gruel mixture. {7.1.53}
“Feathers of a bird;484 hair of a cat, a monkey, and an outcast; feathers of an owl; and hair of a mongoose, when powdered and mixed with carama dung,485 can make all people go insane. {7.1.54}
“The tail of a jackal, rightly conjoined with the right wing of a crow, when placed under the enemy’s bed will soon unleash upon him a terrifying apasmāra. {7.1.55}
“With thorn apple fruit, citron, and the [droppings of] pigeon, peacock, and chicken, one can instantly cause madness. The insanity will go away with the cutting of the victim’s hair. {7.1.56}
“One should take a thorn apple fruit and mix into it powdered woodworms with human flesh.486 After adding this to the victim’s food and drink, he will immediately lose his mind and die after seven days. {7.1.57}
“One should take a crow’s nest from a neem tree with a hand on which white mustard oil has been rubbed. Using the same hand,487 one should burn it together with a piece of wood obtained from a charnel ground and afterward retrieve the ashes. Whoever’s head is sprinkled with these ashes will be driven away. {7.1.58}
“One should combine the feather488 of a crow and an owl, together with the hair of a brahmin and a naked mendicant, and light a fire using thorn apple wood. After burning these feathers and hair in a smokeless fire, one should retrieve some of the ashes and secretly throw them under the bed of two persons, men or women. Right at that moment the two will become enemies. {7.1.59}
“This concludes the section on the art of manipulating consciousness.489
“Alternatively490, if one wishes to enthrall someone, one should make a powder of a bee that has stung a white bitch in the chest. When struck with it, even a woman loyal to her husband will be enthralled, if one mixes this powder with one’s own semen during the asterism of Puṣya.491 {7.1.60}
“Placing in the hand of a virgin girl equal amounts of elephant rut and a paste from buds plucked by women from male trees will result in marriage and conjugal felicity.492 {7.1.61}
“Indian valerian,493 Indian caper, and purple fleabane, blended with teardrops and one’s own semen, will enthrall a playful woman right away.494 {7.1.62} [F.122.a]
“A powder containing puttaṃjārī,495 apannā,496 Indian caper, and purple fleabane, when mixed with teardrops, enthralls the women in this world upon contact alone. {7.1.63}
“Dwarf morning glory, littoral bind weed, lakṣaṇā,497 and avanatā,498 when infused with eye discharge and teardrops, instantly enthrall even the charming wife of the lord of gods. {7.1.64}
“The root of the white giant milkweed,499 Indian madder, house sparrow,500 and costus, when made into a paste with exudations from a wound on one’s body, will enthrall the triple universe. {7.1.65}
“One should prepare a mixture of basil, Indian caper, and kṣīrādhikā501 with one’s own semen. A pill made of this and cutch tree, served with betel, will instantly enthrall even the charming wife of Śiva. {7.1.66}
“One should make a powder from a nose rope that had tethered a buffalo, ash from a corpse cremated using thorn apple wood, and a bracelet from a dead woman who was burned in a funeral pyre extinguished with thorn apple juice.502 When mixed with one’s own semen, this will instantly enthrall even the daughter of Indra just upon contact. {7.1.67}
“This concludes the section on the art of making others into one’s subjects.503
“A tilaka on the forehead made with Malabar gulbel,504 fireflies, arsenic, bovine orpiment, and realgar will instantly enthrall. {7.1.68}
“After placing on one’s forehead a tilaka of yellow orpiment together with white dūrvā grass and wild dūrvā grass, one will be able to enthrall a king with a mere glance. {7.1.69}
“Malabar gulbel,505 fireflies, avanatā,506 camphor,507 and Indian caper, made into powder with an admixture of teardrops, will instantly enthrall the charming wife of a king. {7.1.70} [F.122.b]
“When a woman is struck with a preparation made of flowers from the corpse of a newly married man, noon flowers collected from the head of a worshiped śivaliṅga, and ash, in equal measure, from the funeral pyres of a cremated husband and wife, mixed together with one’s semen, she will follow behind the one who struck her. {7.1.71}
“Dwarf morning glory, fireflies, lakṣaṇā,508 and Indian caper, mixed with a powder made of intestinal worms with an admixture of teardrops, will produce enthrallment instantly. {7.1.72}
“Sweet flag and white moonseed mixed with an equal part of kurchi and the umbilical cord of a newborn calf509—when a beautiful woman comes into contact with these ingredients in the form of a tilaka on the forehead,510 she will become enthralled. {7.1.73}
“One will enthrall the people of the world with a tilaka well concocted from ‘glory sandalwood,’511 red sandalwood, and camphor, infused with equal parts of the blood of a wagtail and a female mule.512 {7.1.74}
“In the asterism of Puṣya one should, using a boar’s tooth, grind seeds of common sesban and seeds of white butterfly pea together with bovine orpiment, and make a tilaka with them on one’s forehead. If one were to look at a mighty king while wearing this tilaka, he would not be angry, but would definitely be pleased. {7.1.75}
“Otherwise, if one wishes to make a magical pill, one should grind the impurities and the eyes514 of a black cat and the eyes of a black crow together with the blood from the left ear of a black boar. The pill, which should also include an authentic relic of the tathāgatas, should then be wrapped in the aforementioned concoction, and then enclosed in ‘sun,’ ‘moon,’ and ‘fire.’515 In the asterism of Puṣya, the pill should be activated.516 One will be successful by reciting the mantra of one’s chosen deity. When the pill is placed in the mouth, one can roam the earth assuming, like a yakṣa, any desired form. {7.1.76}
“Alternatively, one should make a pill with the eyes of a black pecikā owl, black crow, black ullūka owl, and black cuckoo, combined with an authentic relic of the tathāgatas. One should cover the pill in the milky sap of Indian spurge tree and wrap it in ‘sun,’ ‘moon,’ and ‘fire.’517 When this pill is placed in the mouth, one becomes invisible.518 {7.1.77} [F.123.a]
“Alternatively, in order to produce a pill consisting of a relic of the tathāgatas, one should grind together the ashes from the funeral pyre of a woman cremated with her deceased husband, powdered fruit of wood apple, and resin of white dammar, along with perspiration. An authentic relic of the tathāgatas should be wrapped in this concoction and enclosed in ‘sun,’ ‘moon,’ and ‘fire.’519 The pill should be activated during the asterism of Puṣya. When it is placed in the mouth, one will be able to roam the earth like a yakṣa, assuming any desired form.520 {7.1.78}
“Alternatively, one should make a pill with an eye ointment called srotaḥ, camphor, spiky leaves of saffron crocus, honey, and the first blossom of the mahua tree, with added stamens of a young flame lily.521 This pill, encased within the three metals of gold, silver, and copper, will make one invisible. {7.1.79}
“Alternatively, in a capsule made of the three metals of gold, silver, and copper should be placed sprouts of a blue aśoka tree522 inuncted seven times with the blood of a beautiful woman.523 Placing it in the mouth will conceal any being. {7.1.80}
“Alternatively, a pill made of the northern root of Indian valerian, dug out during a lunar eclipse while naked, should be encased in the metals of ‘sun,’ ‘moon,’ and ‘fire.’ If placed in the mouth, this pill will make one invisible. {7.1.81}
“A pill made from bovine orpiment and blossoms from the Indian almond tree, combined with the eyes and hair left behind by a crow who fed on the corpse of a girl who hung herself, is called ‘the lady who fulfills wishes.’524 {7.1.82}
“Alternatively, one should mix realgar with the discharge from rubbing a girl maddened by menstruation in an ancestor grove.525 By applying a tilaka of this to the declivity in the center of one’s forehead, one will be able to hide from even the entire triple universe. {7.1.83}
“Alternatively, applying to the forehead a tilaka prepared with the twigs from a crow’s nest located on a northern branch of a blue aśoka tree will hide a man from all animate and inanimate beings. If srotaḥ eye ointment is placed in the abdomen of a pigeon, put in the fire of a funeral pyre, and cooked, the magical ointment will make one invisible. Re-appearance can be achieved by means of the blood of a black cat.526 {7.1.84} [F.123.b]
“Alternatively, earth pushed up by a tuft of young grass and mixed with a bee, along with its stinger, can make one invisible even to the adepts if it is prepared on the asterism of Puṣya, and a tilaka of it is applied to the forehead. {7.1.85}
“Alternatively, there is a pill superior even to that. Made with red arsenic and bovine orpiment, its effects surpass the uses explained before. {7.1.86}
“This concludes the section on the art of becoming invisible.
“Now I will describe the rites involving magical ointment.
“One should make a lamp-wick out of cloth recovered from a charnel ground and saturate it with oil obtained from human527 flesh. On the night of spirits, in the charnel ground, one should place the lighted lamp on a lotus petal [inside a woman’s skull] atop three other human skulls, and collect the lampblack that collects above, in the delightful lady’s skull. Then, after burning up an owl’s head and mixing it with red sandalwood many times, one should, that very night, prepare from this a fine powder by grinding it on a stone slab. One should then blend this powder with the earlier collected lampblack until the mixture is homogeneous, wrap that in the skin from a vulture’s foot, and with it fill the hollow of a bone from this foot using a splinter from a human bone.528 Explaining how to activate this ointment, the lord said, ‘It can be activated inside a woman’s bhaga, by a follower of the Mantrayāna, according to prescribed procedure.’ {7.1.87}
“This is the art of concocting magical ointment.
“One should combine substances that come from mountains and oceans530 with well-matured vinegar and quicksilver, and grind them together repeatedly in a sealed and heated stone crucible. One should always boil this concoction in a copper dish along with common milk hedge, butterfly pea, jasmine, and Indian caper, combined with fermented rice. Taking a metal [magnet], one should mix in its powder, and along with parts of safflower and large blue lotus, grind it with the vinegar concoction until it becomes the same consistency as freshly churned butter. Immediately thereafter, one should mix it with the sap of Indian spurge tree, and liquify it with sindhu and white borax. Then, it should be mixed together with half a karṣa each of copper and silver in a covered crucible, adding half the amount of sulphur crystals. From this, one will obtain gold measuring half the amount of the substrate. {7.1.90} [F.124.a]
“This is about the art of quicksilver.
“Now I will teach the rites of the art of longevity, giving an essential summary of everything. {7.1.91}
“Following the ritual restrictions with respect to seasons, one should practice yoga and mudrā.531 One should employ the ‘four ingredients,’532 musk, red sandalwood, camphor, and śālija, and also olibanum, tailed pepper, and lotus seeds.533 These great drugs are especially powerful during six different time periods.534 {7.1.92}
“One will attain full results within twenty-one days. Lost teeth, fingernails, and hair will grow back. When one is accomplished, one will be able to change all elements541 into gold. {7.1.102} [F.124.b]
“Now I will teach a rite involving oil.
“Oil of lotus, oil of vālā,542 and oil from the “four ingredients”543 should all be combined with an equal amount of ground black turmeric,544 and mixed with the juice of country mallow. One should also prepare an extract from moonseed and mix it with cow’s milk.
“Now I will give you the measurements. One should prepare thirty-two palas of the black turmeric and moonseed powder and boil it with twice that amount of water until it is reduced to four cups of liquid. One should mix this three times, according to the proper sequence, with three parts of the juice of country mallow. One should blend this with four parts of milk to one part of oil, half that amount of moonseed, half that amount of sediment, and the previously mentioned ingredients, cooking it all together gently.545 When the mixture is going to be drunk, which requires a medium amount, the moonseed should be left out. For anointing the head, which is said to require a thicker consistency, cooking it three more times is said to be best. For an errhine one should use ten palas. For drinking, one hundred palas is recommended. When anointing, one should use one hundred and eight palas. The practitioner should perform all this with a focused mind. By applying an errhine of this, he can live for a thousand years. When drinking it, he can live five hundred years. When anointing the head, he can live three hundred years. My words are not to be doubted. He will obtain a divine form and a pleasant voice, will always be adored, and will definitely reach proficiency in all sciences and disciplines. His body will have great splendor and luminosity. He will be able to remove all obstacles. {7.1.103}
“He should procure the ‘four ingredients,’546 dry them well, and blend them thoroughly with milk. He should heat this mixture up in a cow dung fire until the ingredients dissolve, then obtain from it the oil. The practitioner should blend this oil with twice as much black sesame oil and again twice as much milk, and cook it as prescribed. A decoction made of four parts thorn apple, the three fruits,547 false daisy, common jasmine, and grass is regarded as helpful for promoting growth.548 {7.1.104} [F.125.a]
“Black turmeric, black babchi, blue lotus bulb, iron filings, sulphur, bdellium, white dammar, camphor, and musk—he should cook these substances in oil. They will promote health and longevity. If they are rubbed on the head, they will remove grey hair and wrinkles. All diseases will depart, without a doubt.549 {7.1.105}
“Now I will teach the rite of preparing oils for rubbing on the body.
“One should use the same oil, but add myrrh, thorn apple tree, Indian caper, and fragrant swamp mallow.550 Mixing in chaste tree berries, the practitioner of mantra should prepare this into a solution through the previously described method. This should then be mixed with black creeper, beautyberry, ironwood, bulletwood tree, golden champa, red poon, fetid cassia, turmeric, thorn apple, cockscomb, agarwood tree, asafoetida,551 parahṛd, vallabhī,552 mukta,553 pongam oil tree, mañjari,554 thorn apple tree, sweet flag, babchi, nut grass, black turmeric, Indian madder, costus, and veronicalolia—these will remove all illnesses.555 {7.1.106}
“An incense of both white and red sandalwood, deer musk, camphor, Indian olibanum, and fingernails, mixed with molasses, can fulfill all one’s wishes. One will be able to cure itching, rash, and cutaneous eruptions, and remove all toxins produced in the body. My words are true, O goddess,556 there can be no doubt. {7.1.107}
“Turmeric powder,557 chaste tree berries, powder from a temple brick, extract of thorn apple leaves, musk, and the “four ingredients,” when combined with caura558 and keṁśu,559 can destroy many different diseases, such as intestinal worms, leprosy, and the toxins in the body. It is especially effective when applied together with babchi. {7.1.108} [F.125.b]
“These are the ritual procedures for anointing the body with medicinal unguents.
“One should pulverize the three astringent substances560 together with the ‘four ingredients’561 and drink this with cold musk562 for one year while observing vows. In this way one will be able to cure a variety of illnesses related to the internal organs, such as diseases of phlegm, and so forth. When this elixir is digested, it will without fail remove grey hair, and so forth, from the practitioner of mantra. {7.1.109}
“Alternatively, he should procure the four ingredients and grind them into a fine powder together with the three fruits.563 Then he should blend them with ghee and honey and eat one karṣa564 of this preparation. Consequently, he will become divinely beautiful and live three hundred years. {7.1.110}
“Now comes the same recipe, still in liquid form, but without ghee or honey. Alternatively, he should procure the three astringent substances and grind them into a fine powder, gradually adding one cat’s paw565 of musk from the midriff.566 If the practitioner drinks it well cooled, imagining that power is his, it will cure flatulence and indigestion and, in time, remove wrinkles and grey hair. If it is warm, however, it will cause the greying of hair. {7.1.111}
“Alternatively, he should procure the three fruits,567 cook them with milk and water, and apply the concoction to the head.568 {7.1.112}
“He should grind root of long pepper with red rice. He should then make pills out of this, cook them with ghee, and eat them with honey. Then, after three months, all diseases will depart, and especially grey hair. After a six-month treatment, the practitioner will obtain a pleasant voice and become well nourished. After nine months, he will obtain a divine body, become quick-witted, and be able to retain what he hears. After one year, he will obtain the strength of an elephant and be able to live three hundred years. {7.1.113}
“Alternatively, he should procure three parts each of nāga569 root, palāśa570 root, and costus root. He should grind them into powder with one part long pepper as the tenth part of the concoction.571 After blending the powder with cow milk, a wise yogin should consume one karṣa572 of this mixture every day. {7.1.114} [F.126.a]
“He should meditate without company in a mountain cave—the hermitage of the relative truth of practitioners. {7.1.117}
This concludes the first part of the seventh chapter.
Part 2
[Vajragarbha said:]
[The Blessed One replied:]
“If it is the rite of pacifying, he should delimit a round fire-pit area one cubit in diameter. Having done the measurements, he should dig a hole half a cubit deep in the ground. He should daub the insides of this half-cubit-deep pit with white sandalwood. He should demarcate a four-finger-width575 wide rim of earth in a circle surrounding the fire pit. {7.2.5} [F.126.b]
“The pit for enriching should be a square of two cubits on each side. The basin should be one cubit deep. The rim should be eight finger-widths wide. The pit should be bedecked with heaps of yellow flowers and anointed with yellow sandalwood. {7.2.6}
“The pit for the rites of assaulting should be triangular and measure twenty finger-widths across. The basin should be ten finger-widths deep. He should draw the rim three finger-widths wide and smear the pit with charnel ground ash. {7.2.7}
“Since the activities of enthralling and summoning are similar, their pit is described as having identical characteristics. One should prepare a pit shaped like a half-moon and with the same measurements as the pit for enriching.576 The depth of the basin should be half its diameter. One should demarcate the rim to fit the other measurements and daub the pit with red sandalwood. {7.2.8}
“The marking powder is said to correspond in color to the rites just described. This concludes how one should dig the fire pits. {7.2.12}
“Now I will explain the procedure involving different types of grain.
“He should mix rice, corn, white sesame, barley, nutmeg, dūrvā grass, milk, ghee, and honey with the five ambrosias and offer this in a homa along with moist wood branches originating from the five sap-bearing trees, still with leaves on them, smeared at both ends in honey, milk, and ghee. He should start the fire with the kindling of Indian cluster fig and palash tree.578 If he wants to perform the rite of pacifying, he should cast the offerings into the fire one hundred and eight times, three times a day, while sitting facing east. He can then pacify even the entire district. {7.2.13}
“Now, if he wants to perform the rite of enriching, he should procure black sesame and mung beans along with red rice. As an alternative, he can use barley or something else. The kindling sticks are said to be the same as before, but this time they should be smeared with one handful of milk and butter.579 [F.127.a] All the ingredients should be sprinkled with saffron perfume and combined with the three sweet things, rice pudding, curds, honey, ghee, dill,580 bel fruit, lotus, stamens of ironwood blossoms, and rice. Having then lit the fire using wood of Indian cluster fig, he should generate himself as the deity appropriate for the ritual. Facing north, he should cast the ingredients into the fire a thousand times, three times a day, with a focused mind. When seven days have passed, he will become a great owner of wealth. {7.2.14}
“Now, if he wants to perform the rite of enthralling, he should procure red sesame or black sesame,581 beautyberry, stamens of ironwood blossoms, champak, sorrow-less tree, vajra,582 bulletwood tree, bāṇa,583 and dill, mixed with sandalwood, ghee, and honey. He should also procure pieces of wood eight finger-widths long from deodar, banyan, pipal, Indian cluster fig, and other trees. Also, the milky sap from the Indian olibanum and guggul trees, as well as sugandha584 and other substances, should be used.585 Then, he should assume a red form using menstrual blood mixed with vajra water586 and sit facing the west. Whoever’s name he employs while making offerings to the fire will become enthralled after seven days. He will be able to keep her or him for as long as he lives. {7.2.15}
“Now, if he wishes to perform the rite of assaulting, he should blend black sesame, mung beans or something similar, the fruit of the marking nut, and kālaka,587 with black mustard oil and an admixture of blood.588 He should then procure thorns from a crooked black tree, and pieces of wood ten finger-widths long from all trees that are pungent, bitter, and so forth. Adding human bone, human feces, donkey droppings, and hair, as well as dog feces, hair, and paws, he should blend all this with oil, and facing south with a focused mind, offer it into a charnel ground fire one hundred and eight times. Whoever’s name one employs will die within three days. [F.127.b]
“If not, he should stand to one side and prepare a triangular fire pit. There, he should offer the previously mentioned substances into a fire obtained from a household of untouchables. By this means alone the enemy will be led to the abode of the lord of death, of this there is no doubt. {7.2.16}
“If he wants to drive someone away, he should mix mustard seeds,589 mung beans, and dust from a footpath, and blend them with blood and black mustard oil. He should add to this a crow’s nest from a thorn apple tree. The person whose name he employs while offering this preparation into the fire will be driven away instantly. {7.2.17}
“Alternatively, he should use crow meat590 and camel droppings mixed with wine. Naked and with loose hair, he should offer this into a fire from a charnel ground. Whoever’s name he employs will be driven away. {7.2.18}
“If he wants to perform paralyzing, he should grind fish, meat, and the remaining three substances,591 together with rice grains, blood, and honey, and add to this a crow’s feather. He should offer this into a fire made with sticks from a crow’s nest and discarded sticks for cleaning teeth, in a square fire pit. Whoever’s name he employs will be stopped from carrying out any task. {7.2.19}
“Alternatively, he should use turmeric, (arsenic) orpiment, realgar, and bovine orpiment. He should offer this into the fire while facing north. Whoever’s name he employs will become paralyzed. {7.2.20}
“If he employs dog and chicken meat, he should grind them together with camel droppings and cat blood. Then, lighting the sacrificial fire using neem tree sticks, he should offer this into the fire. Whichever village’s name he employs will be destroyed. {7.2.21}
“He should blend spirituous liquor with human flesh and offer it into the fire, at the three junctions of the day, until he has done this one hundred and eight times. After six months he will become the governor of the district. {7.2.22}
“He should offer one hundred burnt offerings of jackal meat.592 After three months he will be able to remove dire poverty in an instant. {7.2.23}
“He should soak cow flesh in cow blood and offer it one thousand times into a fire. Enthrallment will take place, lasting as long as he lives, there is no doubt. {7.2.24} [F.128.a]
“He should blend the same meat with spirituous liquor and offer it into a fire593 with his left hand. He will be able to enthrall even a buddha, let alone ordinary people. If not, he can also use a stick for cleaning the teeth, covered in saliva, smeared with bodily impurities, and doused with wine. By offering this stick as a burnt offering he will enthrall the target, there is no doubt. {7.2.25}
“By offering ingested and vomited menstrual blood with an addition of human hair as a burnt offering, he will be able to summon the target immediately. This method of summoning is the best. {7.2.26}
“He should smear crow’s feathers with white mustard oil and offer them in a thorn apple fire. Whoever’s name he employs will immediately be driven away and die. {7.2.27}
“He should offer in a fire an oblation of atimuktikā,594 white gourd melon, mung beans,595 sann hemp, vomit, and black mustard, together with tamāla leaves,596 at home.597 He will be able to seal the target’s mouth, there is no doubt. {7.2.28}
“He should offer in a fire an oblation of dog meat combined with vajra water.598 Whoever’s name he employs will become enthralled within seven days. {7.2.29}
“He should offer in a fire horse meat together with human feces at night.599 He will be able to enthrall the king within seven days. {7.2.30}
“He should offer in a fire elephant meat mixed with semen. He will be able to enthrall an entire city. {7.2.31}
“He should offer in a fire fish and meat combined with spirituous liquor. When he has offered this one hundred and eight times, he will be able to enthrall any woman. {7.2.32}
“He should offer in a fire only crow meat one thousand times.600 Whoever’s name he employs will flee within three days. If even Vajrasattva will flee, how much more so will ordinary people? {7.2.33}
“He should offer crow and hawk meat into a fire made with thorn apple sticks. Whoever’s name he employs will be driven away. {7.2.34}
“He should offer human flesh and bird meat. Whoever’s name he employs will go insane. Should he offer the same601 into a chaff fire, the target will become well again. {7.2.35}
“He must not disclose the secret of his practice to anyone. If the secret is revealed, he will never gain accomplishment or find happiness. [F.128.b] Therefore a mantra practitioner must never perform these rites in front of anyone. If he wants to perform them, he should do so alone. Then the mantra practitioner can succeed in every rite.”602 {7.2.37}
Part 3
[The goddess said:]
The Blessed One said:
“Take the second letter of the first group,604 surmounted by a dot;605 the third letter of the seventh group, adorned with a half moon;606 and the seed syllable of awakening, ‘worshiped’ on its crown by the full moon. This is the heart mantra.607 {7.3.5}
“Now I will give you the auxiliary heart mantra. One should take the second letter of the seventh group (ra), join it with Vajraḍākinī (u), and double it. Then, one should take the third letter of the hot sounds (sa) and support it underneath with the second letter of the sixth group (pha), joined with the fifth vowel (u). The second of the semivowels (ra) should be supported underneath by the fifth vowel (u). The third letter of the third group (ja) should be supported underneath by the twenty-ninth letter (va). The third letter of the seventh group (la) and the first letter of the fifth group (ta) should be joined with the third vowel (i). The second letter of the eighth group (ṣa) should be supported underneath by the twelfth letter (ṭha). One should take the thirty-second letter (sa) and join it with Gaurī (i). Then, one should add the third letter of the fifth group (da) with the fourth letter from that same group (dha) below it. One should add the third semivowel (la), supremely adorned by Ghasmarī (o). One should join to the first letter of the third group (ca) and the fifth letter of the fifth group (na), Caurī (e), who is the highest boon. {7.3.6} [F.129.a]
“The fourth letter of the second group (gha) adorned with Vāri is the heart mantra of Māmakī. Her auxiliary heart mantra is explained as follows:
“The first letter of the hot sounds (śa) is adorned above by Khecarī (aṁ). The first letter of the second group (ka) and the second letter of the seventh group (ra) are joined with Caurī (e) in like fashion. The first letter of the eighth group (śa) should be joined by the supreme Vajrā (a), who is the highest boon. One should take the twentieth letter (na) and support it underneath with the sixteenth611 letter (ta). Gaurī (i) is held to be their adornment. One should take the first letter of the second group (ka) and the twenty-seventh letter (ra), and one should join them with Caurī (e). The fourth letter of the second group (gha), with Vajraḍākinī (u) as its seat, should be combined with the first letter of the third group (ṭa), then doubled. The fourth letter of the second group (gha) should be joined with Vajraḍākinī (u). Take the eleventh letter (ṭa), distinguished by the third vowel (i), add the fifth letter of the fifth group (na), and join it with Gaurī (i). One should take the fourth letter of the second group (gha), along with the supreme essence of Vajrā (a), then add the sixteenth letter (ta) and the twenty-sixth letter (ya), and double the whole thing. The fourth letter of the second group (gha) should be adorned with the fifth vowel (u).
“Oṁ, burn, burn, hūṁ, phaṭ! Svāhā to [the deities who shout] phaṭ!”613 {7.3.11}
[And he continued further:]
“Now, for the mantra of Paṇḍaravāsinī, one should take the first letter of the second group (ka) and the first letter of the fourth group (ṭa); Caurī (e) is thought to be their adornment. One should take the fourth letter of the seventh group (va), adorned on top with Gaurī (i). One should then take the first letter of the second group (ka) and the eleventh letter (ṭa), adorned on top with Caurī (e). [F.129.b] One should take the fifth letter of the fifth group (na) and join it with the third vowel (i). One should take the first letter of the second group (ka) and the first letter of the fourth group (ṭa), and connect to them Caurī (e), who is the supreme boon. One should then add the first letter of the second group (ka) and the first letter of the fourth group (ṭa), adorned on top with Khecarī (aṁ). One should add the first letter of the second group (ka) and the eleventh letter (ṭa), joined with Caurī (e). {7.3.12}
“Oṁ, Vajradharma hrīḥ! Svāhā!614 {7.3.14}
So spoke the great Blessed Vajradhara.617
“Oṁ, act, act! Accomplish, accomplish! Bind, bind! Frighten, frighten! Shake, shake! Hraḥ hraḥ! Pheṃ pheṃ! Phaṭ phaṭ! Burn, burn! Cook, cook! Devour, devour! You who wear a garland of entrails covered in fat and blood, seize seize! Threaten the serpents in the seven subterranean paradises. Summon them, summon! Hrīṁ hrīṁ! Jñaiṁ jñaiṁ! Kṣmāṁ kṣmāṁ! Hāṁ hāṁ! Hīṁ hīṁ!619 Hūṁ hūṁ! Kili kili! [F.130.a] Sili sili! Cili cili!620 Dhili dhili! Hūṁ hūṁ! Phaṭ phaṭ! Svāhā!621
This mantra of the lord of spells accomplishes all activities. {7.3.21}
“The heart mantra of Amoghasiddhi:
“One should take the first letter of the Vedas (oṁ) and the second letter of the second group (kha) topped with ‘empty space’ (ṁ), and add svāhā at the end. The wise practitioner will be able to drive away even the buddhas. {7.3.25}
“The heart mantra of Amitābha:
“At the beginning one should place the syllable of Vairocana (oṁ) and combine it with the third letter of the third group (ja), adorned with the neuter syllable (ra) and Vāri (ī), together with ‘empty space’ (ṁ). The mantra should end with svāhā. When pronounced, it sows enmity. {7.3.26}
“At the beginning one should place the king of letters (oṁ). Then, one should take the fourth letter of the seventh group (va),622 joined with the syllable of Vajraḍākinī (u) and ‘empty space’ (ṁ). One should add svāhā at the end. This mantra is employed in acts of assaulting. {7.3.27}
“One should again use the king of letters (oṁ), then add the red syllable hūṁ, and finish with svāhā. With this mantra one will be able to summon the entire world, and among the apsarases, Rambhā, and so forth, and even Tilottamā. {7.3.28}
“The heart mantra of Paṇḍaravāsinī:
“One should take the second letter in the eighth group (ra),623 adorned with the eighth letter of the eighth group (ha). One should place the syllable of the ‘delusion family’ (oṁ) at the beginning and complete it with svāhā at the end. {7.3.30}
“One should take the syllable of action (ī) and join it with the syllable of Vairocana (oṁ) at the beginning, and with svāhā at the end. {7.3.31}
“Oṁ, Prasannatārā! One with the face and eyes of an immortal! Fulfiller of all aims! Pacifier of all beings! Please bring about enthrallment, no matter whether it is of a woman, a man, or a king! Svāhā!625 {7.3.37}
“In the center of the lotus he should draw a wheel with eight spokes, furnished with eight syllables. On its hub should be drawn the first letter of the fifth group (ta) adorned with the crescent moon and the bindu (tam̐). Then, he should surround it with the mantra in the shape of a garland, ending with svāhā, and with syllables hrīḥ placed on the anthers626 in the spaces in between. The mantrin who thus forms two wheels joined as prescribed will be able within seven days to enthrall even a king. {7.3.38}
“The fifth method;
“There can also be a yantra-wheel with eight spokes, depicted entirely as a lotus with its petals. He should place upon it the syllables interspersed with the syllable gaḥ following the right procedure. The pericarp of the lotus should be adorned with eight gaḥ syllables. In the center he should write gaḥ svāhā gaḥ, combining this with the name of the target. He should write this on a stone slab with the juice of turmeric and position it face down. The target will become thoroughly paralyzed—it cannot be otherwise. {7.3.45} [F.131.a]
“The sixth method;
“He can also draw the same yantra-wheel, but write in it hūṁ hūṁ interspersed with the syllable phaṭ. He should write this on a human skull, with a human bone as the writing utensil, using poison, blood, and black mustard seed for ink. If he does this in a charnel ground, he will kill the target. {7.3.46}
“The seventh method;
“Another yantra-wheel should be identical, but he should intersperse hūṁ hūṁ with the syllable oṁ and write it on birchbark, using saffron for ink. He should offer yellow flowers or, alternatively, the five types of service. Through so doing the target will become enriched after seven days. {7.3.47}
“The eighth method;
“If he intersperses the same syllables with the word svāhā, he will ensure protection. {7.3.48}
“The ninth method;
“Using the same wheel, he can take the ten syllables of the mantric formula, this time interspersed with the syllable āḥ, and write the target’s name on an earthenware plate using white sandal as ink. He should then offer fragrant white flowers and make offerings according to his ability, reciting the mantra one hundred and eight times at the three junctions of the day, as prescribed. Through so doing the target will be pacified of negative influences after seven days. {7.3.49}
“The tenth method;
“Using the same wheel again, he should write ‘āḥ, of such and such’ in the center of the letter e.629 He should then write hūṁ above it, below it, and to its sides; vaṁ in the intermediate directions around it; and three lines surrounding everything on the outside. If he writes this on birchbark using bovine orpiment as ink, and then places the birchbark in ghee and honey, he will certainly enthrall the target after seven days. {7.3.50}
“The eleventh method;
“Using the same wheel, he should draw a lotus with four petals, each furnished with the syllable hrīṁ. In the center, he should write ‘hrīḥ, such and such’ surrounded by four hūṁ syllables. If he writes this with red sandalwood paste on unbaked earthenware he will be able to placate an angry person, there is no doubt about it. {7.3.51}
“The twelfth method;
“Alternatively, he should draw two wheels on birchbark using saffron and bovine orpiment, or lac, as ink. He should wear one wheel and place the other wheel in ghee and honey and leave it there. Through so doing, whomever he has in mind will become a dear friend. {7.3.52}
“The mantra specific to some of these rituals is:
Oṁ, Tārā, you who bewilder everyone! Eager to save! Strong and powerful one! Bewilder all evildoers, bewilder! Blessed one! Bind all evildoers, bind! Hūṁ hūṁ hūṁ! Phaṭ phaṭ phaṭ! Svāhā!630 {7.3.53}
“The thirteenth method;
“If he ties a knot at the edge of his garment and sets out on a journey, he will not be robbed by robbers.631 {7.3.54}
“The fourteenth method;
“To whomever he gives a blue lotus marked with a wheel after incanting it with the appropriate mantra632 seven times, that person will be enthralled. This is the rite of the wheel marked with a blue lotus.633 {7.3.55} [F.131.b]
“The fifteenth method;
“For the next yantra-wheel, the lotus to be drawn should have eight petals and be provided with the syllables hrīḥ and śrīḥ. On its anthers634 he should write ‘hrīḥ, such and such, śrīḥ.’ If he writes this on birchbark with bovine orpiment as ink and wears it, he will be fortunate in every respect. {7.3.56}
“The sixteenth method;
“He should draw a lotus with eight petals and write at its center the mantra of the ‘delusion family’ (oṁ). He should draw a circular line surrounding it and eight three-pronged vajra scepters surrounding that. If he draws this with saffron following the prescribed procedure and wears it, tied to his arm, he will always be protected. {7.3.57}
“The seventeenth method;
“The next yantra-wheel should be the same but without the vajra scepters. He should write on the pericarp, or on the outside the following:
“Oṁ, hūṁ hūṁ! Wake, wake! Devour, devour! Chop, chop! Shake, shake! Churn, churn! Bind, bind! Sow enmity between such-and-such and such-and-such! Hūṁ hūṁ! Phaṭ phaṭ! Svāhā!635 {7.3.58}
“This is the mantra of Hayagrīva for sowing enmity. He should write this mantra with a substance suitable for the rites of assaulting in the center of a buffalo’s or horse’s hoof. He will cause enmity at that moment even between Śiva and Durgā, let alone ordinary humans. {7.3.59}
“The eighteenth method;
“He should draw two maṇḍalas of fire636 with a pair of corners below and above, following the prescribed rule. Above he should write hūṁ gaḥ hūṁ hūṁ gaḥ hūṁ, and in the area below, hūṁ hūṁ phaṭ. Further, on the outer points of the triangles, he should write hūṁ gaḥ hūṁ hūṁ gaḥ hūṁ, and in the center, hūṁ gaḥ hūṁ.637 He should draw all this with ink made from poison, blood, black mustard, charnel ground ash, juice from the leaves of the neem tree, and urine on a rag from a charnel ground or the rag of a madman. If he then encircles the entire diagram with the mantra of Mahābala and places the rag above a burning fire, he will paralyze the enemy. {7.3.60}
“The nineteenth method;
“He should depict a lotus, adorned with eight āḥ syllables on its petals, at the center of a square Indra maṇḍala with eight oṁ syllables positioned at its eight cardinal and intermediary points. On its pericarp should be positioned the target’s name adorned with four hūṁ syllables. If he encloses this in a two-piece earthenware dish and wraps it all around with a vajra cord while reciting the mantra words of invocation and meditating that Vajradhara stands astride the target’s head, this mantra wheel will paralyze all men, gods, and bodhisattvas. {7.3.61} [F.132.a]
“The twentieth method;
“As for the next yantra-wheel, the maṇḍala of Indra should be marked with eight three-pronged vajra scepters. In the center of this maṇḍala should be a four-cornered maṇḍala, inscribed with the following mantras:
“He should then draw another maṇḍala of Indra inside that square maṇḍala and write at its center, ‘Please paralyze such and such.’642 He should draw this yantra on birchbark with turmeric juice and then stuff it into a frog’s643 mouth. Piercing the mouth with a thorn of downy datura from above, he should fix the upper palate to the lower.644 Through so doing one will paralyze a hostile army at that very instant. {7.3.63}
“The twenty-first method;
“The next yantra-wheel should have a round shape with a five-pronged, crossed vajra scepter aligned with the intermediate directions. At the tip of its central prongs there should be four hūṁ syllables.645 On its hub he should write the following garland of mantra syllables:
“Oṁ, you step with your feet apart646 and you advance onward. You are the rising and the setting.647 You are the bright sun and the eclipsed sun. You are the waves. You are the woodlands and the undergrowth. You are monastic robes and you are great monastic robes.648 You are invisibility.649 Svāhā!650 {7.3.64}
“The syllable oṁ should be written everywhere. At the center of the circle should be drawn a three-pronged, crossed vajra scepter, aligned with the cardinal directions. On its central, left, and right prongs should be written, respectively, the mantras ‘Oṁ Vattalī!’ ‘Oṁ Varalī!’ and ‘Oṁ Varāmukhī!’ He should write thus on all the prongs, repeating the same pattern for each of the four tips of the crossed vajra scepter. In the northeast and other intermediate quarters he should write ‘Oṁ to Mārīcī.’651 In the center he should write ‘Oṁ, Varālī! Vattālī! Varāhamukhī! Crush the body, speech, and mind of all the most wicked evildoers! Paralyze their mouths!’652 In the center of that he should place the syllable māṁ and, in its center, the words ‘Protect such and such, protect!’653 On the outside of the syllable māṁ he should write ‘Oṁ to the deity654 Mārīcī!’655 If he draws this yantra-wheel on birchbark with saffron and wears it, he will always be protected. {7.3.65}
“The twenty-second method;
“He should make an effigy of a naked man with flowing hair and earrings in his ears. [F.132.b] Atop its head there should be a three-pronged vajra scepter marked with the syllable haṁ. Above its forehead one should write lāṁ lāṁ. On its cheeks and throat,656 starting from the right side of its chin, he should write, ‘May the counter-spells ruin those who injure my mind.’657 In the area from its navel to its mouth, he should draw the shape of a caitya. Above it, he should draw a five-pronged vajra scepter. He should then write the mantra of interdependent origination, ‘Those dharmas that arise from causes, etc.,’ forming the shape of a garland of words that extends from the right side of the hollow inside the caitya up to the chest,658 left, and then down. On its neck he should draw the syllable hūṁ upside down, and on its mid-torso, a five-pronged vajra scepter pointing upward. On both sides of its torso should be written twelve hūṁ syllables. Then, below, on the broad plinth of the caitya,659 he should write the vowels, but without the four neuter letters (ṛ, ṝ, ḷ, ḹ). On the flat surface of the effigy’s chest he should write, as before, ‘May the counter-spells ruin those who injure my mind,’660 but this time in a straight line. He should also write the same in straight lines on its shanks and on its phallus.661 On each of its eight limbs, he should write puṁ puṁ662 raṁ. On the back of its hands,663 he should write tāṁ tāṁ, and on its feet, puṁ664 raṁ. He should have this effigy drawn using as ink poison, salt, black mustard, and neem leaf, mixed together with datura extract and charnel ground ash, while the moon is in the asterism of Puṣya. He should write ‘of such and such’ between the words of the mantra on the hub of the vajra scepter, using white sandalwood paste. For drawing the holy caitya he should likewise use white sandalwood paste, and for the vajra scepter with its hub he should use saffron. If he wears this with the spell inscribed on it, he will always have great protection. {7.3.66}
“The twenty-third method;
“He should draw Mount Sumeru with its eight spurs, adorned on top with a crossed, three-pronged, crossed vajra scepter. The spurs665 should be marked, in the corner areas of the yantra, with the syllable naṁ,666 and each enclosed by a pair of hūṁ syllables. He should write the four words alakta, kata, vāya, and māṃsaṃ667 between each two cardinal directions, starting from the northeast. He should surround all this with a circular line, and at its center draw Gaṇapati. He should be depicted in the form of the lord of dance, with a dish of sweetmeats and a rosary in his right hands, a three-pronged vajra scepter and a leaf-crowned radish in his left hands, seated on a lotus, and riding a shrew. {7.3.67} [F.133.a]
“The mantra to recite is:
“Hūṁ gaḥ hūṁ hūṁ gaḥ gaḥ hūṁ! Please send rain! Hūṁ gaḥ gaḥ hūṁ!668 {7.3.68}
“He should write the short version of this mantra on the elephant god’s forehead, chest, hips,669 and above the navel. If he draws this on unbaked earthenware using blood from his ring finger mixed with the three pungent substances, and heats it in a fire of cutch-tree wood, it will definitely bring rain—it cannot be otherwise. If he draws the same, but with orpiment instead on the inner surface of the earthenware,670 and then heats it over fire, h