The Prediction for Brahmaśrī

84000 is pleased to announce its newest publication:

Toh 189

The Prediction for Brahmaśrī

The Prediction for Brahmaśrī features a brief encounter between the Buddha, out on his daily alms round, and a group of children playing on the outskirts of Śrāvastī. A boy named Brahmaśrī offers the Buddha the pavilion he has made of sand or dirt. The Blessed One accepts it and transforms it into one made of precious metals and jewels. Seeing this wonder, Brahmaśrī makes a vow to become a buddha himself in the future. This prompts the Buddha to smile and predict Brahmaśrī’s future awakening.

Access this and other sūtras in the 84000 Reading Room:
The Prediction for Brahmaśrī



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