The Chapter Teaching the Purification of Boundless Gateways


Toh 46

The Chapter Teaching the Purification of Boundless Gateways
指示淨化無量門經 (大寳積經無邊莊嚴會)

The Chapter Teaching the Purification of Boundless Gateways consists of an extended discourse presented by the Buddha to his bodhisattva disciple Anantavyūha. The instruction consists of a so-called dhāraṇī gateway, a teaching that involves a series of dhāraṇī spells, which are interspersed throughout. The teaching is generally concerned with well-known Mahāyāna Buddhist themes, ranging from the lack of inherent identity to the qualities of complete awakening, but these topics are here presented within a larger exegesis on the meaning of the dhāraṇī gateway.

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The Chapter Teaching the Purification of Boundless Gateways

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