Give Each Month

One of the most impactful ways to support our mission—bringing the Buddha’s words to life to awaken humanity—is by choosing to Give Each Month.

Offering a monthly gift of any amount allows us to consistently ensure that everyone can connect with the Buddha’s wisdom. And thanks to our Matching Funds donors, each and every monthly gift is doubled, at no additional cost to you!

Dedicate the Merit

Whenever you give, whether monthly or through a single donation, you can now dedicate the merit in honor of someone special and send them a personalized e-card. Just select the option on the donation form to dedicate your gift. For monthly gifts, the option is only available in the first instance.

84000 is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization incorporated in Colorado, USA. Donations are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by U.S. law. 84000’s federal tax I.D. number is 45-4302237. Donations made from outside of the USA are subject to the laws of the country from which they are made. 84000 is pleased to honor the Donor Bill of Rights.