- རླུང་།
- ལུང་།
- rlung
- lung
- vāta
- vāyu
- prāṇa
- anila
- marut
- mārut
- Term
- wind
- རླུང་།
- rlung
- vāta
- vāyu
One of the three vital substances in the body, along with phlegm and bile, which result in good health when balanced and illness or less than optimal health when imbalanced.
- wind
- རླུང་།
- rlung
- vāyu
Fifty-ninth of the eighty designs on the palms and soles of the Tathāgata.
- wind
- རླུང་།
- rlung
- prāṇa
- vāyu
One of the four elements that constitute all matter, or one of the three primary humors (doṣa) of the body.
- wind
- རླུང་།
- rlung
- vāta
- vāyu
- prāṇa
One of the three humors (doṣa) in the Āyurveda medical tradition.
- air
- ལུང་།
- lung
- vāta
One of the three doṣas in traditional Indian medicine.
- disorder of vital energies
- རླུང་།
- rlung
- prāṇa
Lit. “wind,” one of the four elements that constitute all matter, including the physical body, and one of the three primary humors (doṣas) in the Āyuvedic medical traditions.
A term for the life force in the subtle body.
Subtle “energy” that moves in the channels of the tantric subtle body.