- ཀཽ་ཌི་ནྱ།
- ཀཽ་ཎྜི་ནྱ།
- ཀཽ་དི་ནྱ།
- ཀཽཎ་ཌི་ཉ།
- ཀཽཎཌི་ཉ།
- ཀཽཎྜི་ནྱ།
- ཀཽཎྜིནྱ།
- kauN Di nya
- kau Di n+ya
- kauN+Din+ya
- kauN+Di n+ya
- kauNDi nya
- kau N+Di n+ya
- kauṇḍinya
- ājñātakauṇḍinya
- Note: this data is still being sorted
- Person
- Kauṇḍinya
- ཀཽཎྜི་ནྱ།
- kauN+Di n+ya
- kauṇḍinya
One of the five excellent companions, with whom Siddhārtha Gautama practiced asceticism near the Nairañjanā River and who later heard the Buddha first teach the Four Noble Truths at the Deer Park in Sarnath. Kauṇḍinya immediately realized its import and entered the stream, shortly thereafter becoming an arhat.
- Kauṇḍinya
- ཀཽ་དི་ནྱ།
- kau di n+ya
- kauṇḍinya
One of the five companions of the ascetic Gautama while he is practicing austerities, and one of the same five companions to whom the first sermon was given after Gautama became the Buddha, according to many versions of the story. In those stories, he is the first of his disciples to become an arhat.
- Kauṇḍinya
- ཀཽཎྜིནྱ།
- kauN+Din+ya
- kauṇḍinya
One of the first five disciples of the Buddha.
- Kauṇḍinya
- ཀཽ་ཎྜི་ནྱ།
- kau N+Di n+ya
- kauṇḍinya
See Ājñātakauṇḍinya.
- Kauṇḍinya
- ཀཽཎཌི་ཉ།
- kauNDi nya
- kauṇḍinya
The court priest in the Buddha’s father’s kingdom, who predicted the Buddha’s enlightenment. He became one of the Buddha’s five companions in asceticism. They renounced him when he abandoned asceticism but after his enlightenment they became his pupils. Kauṇḍinya was the first to convert to being his pupil and was the first of his pupils to become an arhat. Also called “Kauṇḍinyagotra” and “Ājñātakauṇḍinya.”
- Kauṇḍinya
- ཀཽཎ་ཌི་ཉ།
- kauN Di nya
- kauṇḍinya
The court priest in the Buddha’s father’s kingdom, he predicted the Buddha’s enlightenment, and was the first of the Buddha’s pupils to become an arhat.
- Kauṇḍinya
- ཀཽཎྜི་ནྱ།
- kauN+Di n+ya
- kauṇḍinya
An arhat and disciple the Buddha Śākyamuni. He is counted among the five wandering mendicants (parivrājaka) who initially ridiculed the Buddha’s austerities but later, after the Buddha’s awakening, became one of his first disciples and received his first discourse at Deer Park.
- Kauṇḍinya
- ཀཽ་ཌི་ནྱ།
- kau Di n+ya
- kauṇḍinya
The first monk that the Buddha Śākyamuni recognized as having understood his teachings.
Name of the first monk whom the Buddha Śākyamuni recognized as having understood his teachings. See also Ājñātakauṇḍinya.
- Kauṇḍinya
- ཀཽཎ་ཌི་ཉ།
- kauN Di nya
- kauṇḍinya
One of the five former spiritual friends with whom Gautama had practiced meditation before his awakening.
- Kauṇḍinya
- ཀཽཎྜི་ནྱ།
- kauN+Di n+ya
- kauṇḍinya
See “Ājñātakauṇḍinya.”
- Kauṇḍinya
- ཀཽ་ཌི་ནྱ།
- kau Di n+ya
- kauṇḍinya
The court priest in the Buddha’s father’s kingdom, who predicted the Buddha’s awakening. He became one of the Buddha’s five companions in asceticism. They renounced him when he abandoned asceticism but after his awakening they became his pupils. Kauṇḍinya was the first to convert to being his pupil and was the first of his pupils to become an arhat. Also called “Kauṇḍinyagotra” and “Ājñātakauṇḍinya.”
- Kauṇḍinya
- ཀཽཎྜི་ནྱ།
- kauN+Di n+ya
- kauṇḍinya
Counted among the five wandering mendicants (parivrājaka) who initially ridiculed the Buddha’s austerities but later, after the Buddha’s awakening, became some of his first disciples and received his first discourse at Deer Park.
- Kauṇḍinya
- ཀཽཎྜི་ནྱ།
- kauN+Di n+ya
- kauṇḍinya
Close disciple of the Buddha.
- Ājñātakauṇḍinya
- ཀཽ་དི་ནྱ།
- kau di n+ya
- ājñātakauṇḍinya
The first monk that the Buddha Śākyamuni recognized as having understood his teachings.