- མཆོད་གནས།
- ཡོན་གནས།
- སྦྱིན་གནས།
- སྦྱིན་པའི་གནས།
- sbyin pa’i gnas
- mchod gnas
- sbyin gnas
- yon gnas
- dakṣiṇīya
- Term
- worthy of offerings
- སྦྱིན་གནས།
- sbyin gnas
- dakṣiṇīya
- worthy of offerings
- སྦྱིན་གནས།
- sbyin gnas
- dakṣiṇīya
In general, a term for a fitting object of generosity who can be considered a field of merit (puṇyakṣetra). Typically refers to monks or ascetics.
See “venerable one.”
In general, a term for a pure monk or ascetic (or the saṅgha as a whole) who may be considered a worthy field of merit (Skt. puṇyakṣetra).
More literally, one who is worthy of offerings (dakṣiṇā).
A person considered worthy of veneration with material offerings. In the context of Tibetan Buddhist history, this is the term often translated as “priest” when paired with the term “patron” (Tib. sbyin bdag/ yon bdag, Skt. dānapati) in the compound phrase “priest-patron relationship.”
- worthy recipients of offerings
- སྦྱིན་པའི་གནས།
- sbyin pa’i gnas
- dakṣiṇīya
In general, a term for a pure monk or ascetic (or the saṅgha as a whole) who can be considered as a field of merit (Skt. puṇyakṣetra) due to his or her (innate) ability to karmically reciprocate acts of generosity and kindness toward him or her.