- འདུས་ཏེ་རེག་པ།
- རེག་པ།
- reg pa
- ’dus te reg pa
- sparśa
- saṃsparśa
- Term
- contact
- འདུས་ཏེ་རེག་པ།
- རེག་པ།
- ’dus te reg pa
- reg pa
- saṃsparśa
- sparśa
- contact
- རེག་པ།
- reg pa
- sparśa
The sixth of the twelve links of dependent origination. See “dependent origination.”
- contact
- རེག་པ།
- reg pa
- sparśa
The sixth link of the twelve links of dependent origination.
- contact
- རེག་པ།
- reg pa
- sparśa
The sixth link of dependent arising.
- contact
- རེག་པ།
- reg pa
- sparśa
This can mean either, more literally, “touch,” or coming into contact; in the context of the twelve parts of dependent arising, “contact” refers more specifically to the coming together of the object, faculty, and consciousness. According to some abhidharma masters, this coming together gives rise to a specific entity called “contact,” while others consider “contact” to simply describe a specific state of those three entities, i.e., when object, faculty, and consciousness are “together” and thus able to give rise to notion. It is also worth noticing that the root spṛś is used far more often in Sanskrit than either “to touch” or “to come in contact with” is used in English, and can often mean something like “to obtain” etc.
- contact
- རེག་པ།
- reg pa
- sparśa
Sixth of the twelve links of dependent origination.
- contact
- རེག་པ།
- reg pa
- sparśa
- 觸
The sixth of the twelve links, or phases, of dependent origination: the contact between the sensory consciousnesses and organs with sensory objects.
The sixth of the twelve links or phases of dependent origination, which is the contact between the sensory consciousnesses and organs with sensory objects.
The sixth of the twelve links or phases of dependent origination, which is the contact between the sensory consciousnesses and organs with sensory objects.
- contact
- འདུས་ཏེ་རེག་པ།
- རེག་པ།
- ’dus te reg pa
- reg pa
- saṃsparśa
- sparśa
- sensory contact
- རེག་པ།
- reg pa
- sparśa
Sixth of the twelve links of dependent origination.
- sensory contact
- རེག་པ།
- reg pa
- sparśa
The contact of the sense organs with the sense objects. Also translated here as “touch.”
- touch
- རེག་པ།
- reg pa
- sparśa
The contact of the sense organs with the sense objects. Also translated here as “sensory contact.”