An Extensive Explanation of “The Diacritic Test of āḍḥīḷḹṃṇñṅṛṝṣśṭūṁ ĀḌḤĪḶḸṂṆÑṄṚṜṢŚṬŪṀ”
Quote Styles
Toh 00c
Degé Tengyur, vol. 93 (sher phyin, pha), folios 1.b–292.b
- Surendrabodhi
- zhu chen gyi lo tsA ba ban de ye shes sde

First published 2022
Current version v 1.0.1 (2023)
Generated by 84000 Reading Room v2.26.1
84000: Translating the Words of the Buddha is a global non-profit initiative to translate all the Buddha’s words into modern languages, and to make them available to everyone.
Warning: Readers are reminded that according to Vajrayāna Buddhist tradition there are restrictions and commitments concerning tantra. Practitioners who are not sure if they should read this translation are advised to consult the authorities of their lineage. The responsibility for reading this text or sharing it with others who may or may not fulfill the requirements lies in the hands of readers.

This work is provided under the protection of a Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND (Attribution - Non-commercial - No-derivatives) 3.0 copyright. It may be copied or printed for fair use, but only with full attribution, and not for commercial advantage or personal compensation. For full details, see the Creative Commons license.
Table of Contents
This file contains test cases for root text references in 84000 TEI.
References are made to the test TEI file Toh 00 (The Diacritic Test of āḍḥīḷḹṃṇñṅṛṝṣśṭūṁ ĀḌḤĪḶḸṂṆÑṄṚṜṢŚṬŪṀ), and all references should also function as back references to this text e.g. a reference in this text to passage A should also function in passage A of the root text as a reference back to this commentary.
References are only made in the commentary text, not in the root.
Note, that the commentary text requires the a <link> element in the <sourceDesc> which declares it is a commentary of another text. E.g.: <link type="isCommentaryOf" target="toh00"/>
The root text does not need such a declaration, but it does need a short code in it's <titleStmt>. (See 1.2)
Text Body
The Main Title
Quote Styles
This is an example of a blockquote, where the content node is nested within the quote node e.g. <q><p>Quoted text</p></q>
Direct references to this text, for instance in a commentary, will be automatically indicated and back-referenced through links in the right hand margin.
This text is referenced by a second layout checks test TEI file that you should also verify for new versions. T00
Inline Quotes
A quote element nested within a content node, rather than around it e.g. <p><q>Quoted text</q></p>
indicates that the quote should be rendered inline.
"This text is quoted inline"T00 is an example of an inline quote.
Line Group Quotes
This example quotes a line group:
At first to renounce a householder’s concerns and go forth is hard.For a hedonist to be happy among renunciants is hard.For the joyful set on perfection to act perfectly is hard.For a learned wearer of the saffron robes to fall is hard. T00
Empty Quotes
It is also possible to add a reference without any quoted text. For instance we can reference T00 with an empty quote element e.g. <q><ptr type="quote-ref" target="#MILESTONE-ID"/></q>
maintaining the synchronised scrolling.