- འཕགས་པའི་ལམ།
- ’phags pa’i lam
- āryamārga
- āryapatha
- Term
- noble path
- འཕགས་པའི་ལམ།
- ’phags pa’i lam
- āryamārga
The noble eightfold path, enumerated in UT22084-029-001-1583, comprises (1) right view, (2) right idea, (3) right speech, (4) right conduct, (5) right livelihood, (6) right effort, (7) right mindfulness, and (8) right meditative stabilization.
- noble path
- འཕགས་པའི་ལམ།
- ’phags pa’i lam
- āryamārga
Right view, examination, speech, action, livelihood, effort, mindfulness, and samādhi. These eight are included in the thirty-seven factors for enlightenment.
See “noble eightfold path.”
- noble path
- འཕགས་པའི་ལམ།
- ’phags pa’i lam
- āryamārga
See “eightfold noble path.”