- དད་པ།
- dad pa
- śraddhā
- Term
- faith
- དད་པ།
- dad pa
- śraddhā
- faith
- དད་པ།
- dad pa
- śraddhā
One of the factors of awakening. It is also included in the lists of the five spiritual faculties, the five strengths, and the seven riches.
- faith
- དད་པ།
- dad pa
- śraddhā
One of the five powers and five abilities.
- faith
- དད་པ།
- dad pa
In this sūtra, the first of the ten factors that lead to awakening.
- faith
- དད་པ།
- dad pa
- śraddhā
Here “faith” is not used so much in the sense of “religious faith,” but rather as when one says, “I have faith in you” or “I have faith in your good qualities.” It is often explained as “a good disposition of the mind” (cetasaḥ prasādaḥ) toward something and is occasionally divided into three types: faith as the conviction that something exists, faith as the conviction that something has good qualities, and faith as the conviction that something with good qualities can be obtained.