- ཀིང་ཤུ་ཀ
- ཀེང་ཤུ་ཀ
- ནེ་ཙོའམ་ཅི།
- པ་ལ་ཤ།
- པ་ལཱ་ཤ།
- ཤིང་པ་ལ་ཤ།
- king shu ka
- keng shu ka
- ne tso’am ci
- pa lA sha
- shing pa la sha
- kiṃśuka
- palāśa
- palāśaka
- pālaśa
- Term
- palash
- པ་ལ་ཤ།
- pa la sha
- pālaśa
- 波羅
Butea frondosa or Butea monosperma. A tree that grows up to 15 meters tall and has bright red flowers. Other names include flame of the forest, riddle tree, Judas tree, parrot tree, bastard teak, dhak (in Hindi), palas (in Hindi), porasum (in Tamil), and khakda (in Gujarati). There is a tradition of combining its leaves together to make a plate for food.
Butea frondosa or Butea monosperma. A tree that grows up to 15 meters tall and has bright red flowers. Other names include flame of the forest, riddle tree, Judas tree, parrot tree, bastard teak, dhak (in Hindi), palas (in Hindi), porasum (in Tamil), and khakda (in Gujarati). There is a tradition of combining its leaves together to make a plate for food.
This is also known as kiṃśuka, which is translated in other sūtras as ne tso ci las grub pa.
Butea frondosa or Butea monosperma. A tree that grows up to 15 meters tall and has bright red flowers. Other names include flame of the forest, riddle tree, Judas tree, parrot tree, bastard teak, dhak (in Hindi), palas (in Hindi), porasum (in Tamil), and khakda (in Gujarati). There is a tradition of combining its leaves together to make a plate for food.
- dhak
- པ་ལཱ་ཤ།
- pa lA sha
- palāśa
- palāśaka
- kiṃśuka
Butea monosperma, Butea frondosa.
- dhak tree
- ཤིང་པ་ལ་ཤ།
- shing pa la sha
- palāśa
Butea frondosa.
- flame of the forest
- ནེ་ཙོའམ་ཅི།
- ne tso’am ci
- kiṃśuka
Butea monosperma, Butea frondosa, and Erythrina monosperma. A tree that grows up to 15 meters tall and has bright red flowers. Other names include parrot tree, bastard teak, dhak (Hindi), palas (Hindi), porasum (Tamil); and khakda (Gujarati).
- kiṃśuka
- ཀིང་ཤུ་ཀ
- ཀེང་ཤུ་ཀ
- king shu ka
- keng shu ka
- kiṃśuka
Butea frondosa, also known as flame of the forest; a tree with bright red flowers.