- ཤནཏ་རཀྵི་ཏ།
- ཨཱ་ཙཱརྱ་བོ་དྷི་ས་ཏྭ།
- shanta rak+Shi ta
- A tsAr+ya bo d+hi sa twa
- śāntarakṣita
- Note: this data is still being sorted
- Person
Śāntarakṣita (725-788) was an Indian Buddhist monk, scholar, and author who played a pivotal role in the introduction of Buddhism to Tibet. At the invitation of King Trisong Detsen, he traveled to Tibet and assisted in the foundation of Samyé Monastery, presided over the ordination of the first Tibetan monks, and established a system of scholastic education modelled on the great monastic universities of Nālandā and Vikramaśīla. His philosophical writings were among the most influential in late Indian Buddhism.
- Ācārya Bodhisattva
- ཨཱ་ཙཱརྱ་བོ་དྷི་ས་ཏྭ།
- A tsAr+ya bo d+hi sa twa
Also known by his Sanskrit name, Śāntarakṣita (725–88), he was a Bengali monk and scholar and the first abbot at Samyé monastery. He was one of the most important figures in the establishment of Buddhism in Tibet.
- Śāntarakṣita
- ཤནཏ་རཀྵི་ཏ།
- shanta rak+Shi ta
- śāntarakṣita