- ཀུན་གཞི།
- kun gzhi
- ālaya
- Term
- substratum
- ཀུན་གཞི།
- kun gzhi
- ālaya
The subtlemost form of deluded consciousness, which serves as the substratum for karmic seeds to be stored; likewise the substratum from which appearances manifest.
- substratum
- ཀུན་གཞི།
- kun gzhi
- ālaya
The subtlemost form of deluded consciousness, which serves as the store-house for karmic seeds, therefore serving as the substratum from which appearances manifest.
- all-ground
- ཀུན་གཞི།
- kun gzhi
- ālaya
The most subtle form of deluded consciousness, which serves as the substratum for karmic seeds to be stored; likewise the substratum from which appearances manifest.
- basis-of-all
- ཀུན་གཞི།
- kun gzhi
- ālaya
Here, probably the short form for ālayavijñāna.
- subconsciousness
- ཀུན་གཞི།
- kun gzhi
- ālaya
Identifiable with ālayavijñāna. However, as reference to the elaborate Vijñānavādin psychology of the “store-consciousness” is out of place in this sūtra, it is here simply translated “subconsciousness.”
- subliminal
- ཀུན་གཞི།
- kun gzhi
- ālaya
See “subliminal cognition.”
- substratum consciousness
- ཀུན་གཞི།
- kun gzhi
- ālaya