- ཀྱལ་པའི་ཚིག
- ཀྱལ་བ།
- ཁ་ཁྱལ་པ།
- ངག་ཀྱལ།
- ཚིག་ཀྱལ་པ།
- ཚིག་ཀྱལ་པར་སྨྲ་བ།
- kha khyal pa
- tshig kyal pa
- tshig kyal par smra ba
- ngag kyal
- kyal ba
- kyal pa’i tshig
- saṃbhinnapralāpa
- pralāpa
- abaddhapralāpa
- Term
- idle talk
- ཀྱལ་པའི་ཚིག
- kyal pa’i tshig
- saṃbhinnapralāpa
Seventh of ten nonvirtues.
- idle talk
- ཚིག་ཀྱལ་པ།
- ཚིག་ཀྱལ་པར་སྨྲ་བ།
- tshig kyal pa
- tshig kyal par smra ba
- saṃbhinnapralāpa
One of the ten nonvirtuous actions.
- chatter
- ངག་ཀྱལ།
- ngag kyal
- saṃbhinnapralāpa
The fourth among the four misdeeds of speech.
- irresponsible chatter
- ཚིག་ཀྱལ་པ།
- tshig kyal pa
- abaddhapralāpa
Seventh of ten nonvirtuous actions. Also rendered as “nonsensical chatter.”
- nonsensical chatter
- ཚིག་ཀྱལ་པ།
- tshig kyal pa
- abaddhapralāpa
Seventh of ten nonvirtuous actions. Also rendered as “irresponsible chatter.”
- senseless talk
- ཀྱལ་བ།
- kyal ba
- pralāpa
Seventh of the ten nonvirtuous (akuśala) actions, the third of the three related to speech (the first two being slander and harsh speech).
- trivial talk
- ཁ་ཁྱལ་པ།
- kha khyal pa
- saṃbhinnapralāpa
The seventh of the ten nonvirtuous actions.