- པ་ཀྵུ།
- པཀྵུ།
- pak+Shu
- pa k+Shu
- vakṣā
- pakṣu
- vakṣu
- Note: this data is still being sorted
- Person
- Place
- Pakṣu
- པ་ཀྵུ།
- pa k+Shu
- pakṣu
Unidentified river, though there are Tibetan texts that use this name to refer to the source of the Brahmaputra.
A river in Jambudvīpa.
- Vakṣu
- པ་ཀྵུ།
- pa k+Shu
- vakṣu
A river.
- Vakṣu
- པཀྵུ།
- pak+Shu
- vakṣu
A river queen.
- Vakṣā
- པཀྵུ།
- pak+Shu
- vakṣā
The name of a river (personified).