- དམ་པའི་དོན།
- དོན་དམ་པ།
- དོན་དམ།
- don dam pa
- dam pa’i don
- don dam
- paramārtha
- Term
- ultimate
- དོན་དམ་པ།
- don dam pa
- paramārtha
Of final truth or reality. Also rendered as “ultimate reality.”
- ultimate
- དོན་དམ་པ།
- don dam pa
- paramārtha
Of final truth or reality.
- ultimate
- དོན་དམ་པ།
- དོན་དམ།
- don dam pa
- don dam
- paramārtha
The ultimate is said to be inexpressible, nondual, transcending speculation, transcending difference and sameness, and of a single nature (i.e., anabhilāpya, advaya, sarvatarkasamatikrānta, bhedābhedasamatikrānta, ekarasa).
- ultimate
- དོན་དམ་པ།
- don dam pa
- paramārtha
“Ultimate” is preferable to the usual “absolute” because it carries fewer connotations than “absolute”—which, however, when understood logically, is also correct. It is contrasted with “superficial” (vyavahāra) or “relative” (samvṛtti) to give the two types, or “levels.,” of truth. It is synonymous with ultimate reality, the uncompounded, voidness, reality, limit of reality, absolute, nirvāṇa, ultimate liberation, infinity, permanence, eternity, independence, etc. It also has the soteriological sense of “sacred” as opposed to “profane” as is conveyed by its literal rendering “supreme” (parama) “object” (artha).
- ultimate reality
- དོན་དམ་པ།
- don dam pa
- paramārtha
- ultimate reality
- དོན་དམ་པ།
- don dam pa
- paramārtha
See “ultimate.”
- ultimate nature
- དོན་དམ་པ།
- don dam pa
- paramārtha
The ultimate reality that is the domain of awakened beings.