- ཀ་ཙ་ལི་དི་ཀ
- ཀ་ཙ་ལིན་དི་ཀ
- ཀ་ཙ་ལིན་དི།
- ka tsa lin di
- ka tsa lin di ka
- ka tsa li di ka
- kācilindika
- kācalindika
- kācalindi
- Term
A frequent simile for softness, thought to refer either (1) to the down of the kācilindika or kācalindika bird (see Lamotte 1975, p. 261, n. 321), or (2) to a tropical tree bearing silken pods, similar to kapok, from which garments were made, and identified (Monier-Williams p. 266) with Abrus precatorius.
- kācalindika
- ཀ་ཙ་ལིན་དི་ཀ
- ka tsa lin di ka
- kācalindika
A frequent simile for softness, thought to refer either (1) to the down of the kācilindika or kācalindika bird (see Lamotte, Etienne, La Concentration de la Marche Héroïque, Bruxelles: Peeters 1975, p. 261, n321), or (2) to a tropical tree bearing silken pods, similar to kapok, from which garments were made, and identified (Monier Williams p. 266) with Abrus precatorius.
- kācalindika
- ཀ་ཙ་ལི་དི་ཀ
- ka tsa li di ka
- kācalindika
- kācalindi
- kācalindika
- ཀ་ཙ་ལིན་དི་ཀ
- ka tsa lin di ka
- kācalindika
A term used to exemplify exceptional softness. The term is found in the Skt. compounds kācalindikapraveṇī and kācalindikapravāra, which suggest a type of fabric. This understanding is supported by Tibetan and Chinese sources, which often include a term for cloth or clothing in translation (ka tsa lin di ka’i gos; 細錦衣).
An epithet for softness, usually applied to cloth, probably in reference, directly or metaphorically, to the down of the kācilindika bird.
- kācilindika
- ཀ་ཙ་ལིན་དི་ཀ
- ka tsa lin di ka
- kācilindika
- kācalindika
An epithet for softness, usually applied to cloth, and probably in reference, directly or metaphorically, to the down of the kācilindika bird. See Lamotte, Etienne. La Concentration de la Marche Héroïque. Bruxelles: Peeters (1975), p. 261, n. 321. The Mahāvyutpatti includes the term using the variant spelling kācalindika.