- ཀཽ་ཤམྦཱི།
- ཀཽ་ཤཱམ་བཱི།
- ཀཽ་ཤཱམྦཱི།
- ཀཽ་ཤཱཾ་བཱི།
- kau sham+bI
- kau shAm bI
- kauśāmbī
- Note: this data is still being sorted
- Place
- Kauśāmbī
- ཀཽ་ཤཱམ་བཱི།
- kau shAm bI
- kauśāmbī
Home to a group of troublesome monks who quarreled with monks from Vaiśālī.
- Kauśāmbī
- ཀཽ་ཤམྦཱི།
- kau sham+bI
- kauśāmbī
The capital city of the kingdom of Vatsa.
- Kauśāmbī
- ཀཽ་ཤཱཾ་བཱི།
- kau shAM bI
- kauśāmbī
An ancient city, capital of Vatsa, located down the Ganges River from Rājagṛha.
- Kauśāmbī
- ཀཽ་ཤཱམྦཱི།
- kau shAm+bI
- kauśāmbī
A geographical location in this sūtra.