• ཉིན་མོ་སྤྱོད་པ།
  • nyin mo spyod pa
  • divāvihāra
  • dinacaryā
  • Term
Publications: 2
  • daily practice
  • ཉིན་མོ་སྤྱོད་པ།
  • nyin mo spyod pa
  • divāvihāra
Definition in this text:

Kalyāṇamitra explains that “daily practice” refers to engaging in virtuous endeavors (Toh 4113, F.222.b).: nyin mo spyod pa zhes bya ba ni nyin par dge ba’i phyogs byed pa’o. Dharmamitra mentions the “place for daily practice” as the place where monks should gather to listen to Dharma teachings in the night leading up to the restoration rite; Dharmamitra (Toh 4120, vol. yu, F.145.a): tshes bcu bzhi’i nyin mo spyod yul du de skad sbran nas tshes bcu bzhi’i nub mo thams cad tshogs pa na dge slong mdo sde dang ’dul ba dang ma mo ’dzin pa gsol ba btab pa dag gis mtshan thog thag tu kha ton gdon pas chos mnyan pa sbyin par bya’o. Note that Edgerton defines the Skt. divāvihāra as “daily rest” (p. 264, col. 2), as in a siesta. In the Mūalsarvāstivādin sources, however, wards and apprentices are allowed time in the morning and afternoon to cultivate their own practice of recitation and meditation. Wards and apprentices also are depicted spending this time in walking meditation and paying homage to reliquaries.

  • daily practice
  • ཉིན་མོ་སྤྱོད་པ།
  • nyin mo spyod pa
  • dinacaryā