- ཆོས་ཀྱི་བཟོད་པ།
- ཆོས་ལ་བཟོད་པ།
- chos la bzod pa
- chos kyi bzod pa
- dharmakṣāṇti
- dharmakṣānti
- Term
Sometimes an abbreviation of for anutpattikadharmakṣānti, “acceptance of the nonorigination of phenomena,” this phrase describes a mode of realization acquired by bodhisattvas. Dharmakṣanti can also refer to a way one becomes “receptive” to key points of the Dharma.
- acceptance of reality
- ཆོས་ཀྱི་བཟོད་པ།
- chos kyi bzod pa
- dharmakṣānti
Shorthand for anutpattikadharmakṣānti, “acceptance of the nonorigination of phenomena,” its realization being one of the qualities acquired by bodhisattvas. Dharmakṣanti can also refer to a way one becomes “receptive” to key points of the Dharma.
- acceptance of the Dharma
- ཆོས་ལ་བཟོད་པ།
- chos la bzod pa
- dharmakṣānti
This term refers to becoming receptive to the profound Dharma.
- receptive to the unborn nature of phenomena
- ཆོས་ལ་བཟོད་པ།
- chos la bzod pa
- dharmakṣāṇti
The term dharmakṣāṇti can refer either to a set of ways one becomes “receptive” to key points of the Dharma, or it can be an abbreviation of anutpattikadharmakṣāṇti, “receptivity to the unborn nature of phenomena.”