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Your donation will support the translation of a page from Tibetan into English.

A recurring donation of any amount will automatically trigger our Matching Funds Program, which means your donation will have double the impact!

For example:
If you give $250 / month, we will receive $500 / month.
If you give $1,000 / quarter, we will receive $2,000 / quarter.
If you give $5,000 / year we will receive $10,000 / year.

For those interested in becoming recurring donors, the process remains unchanged: Indicate your wish to become a recurring donor in the online donation form, and your donation will automatically be matched, two for one.

Other: US$ Please use numbers only.

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In appreciation of your generous support, all the names and the dedication messages will be offered for prayers during the Dzongsar Monlam prayer festivals held biennially in Bodhgaya, India.

All donations are considered unrestricted contributions, enabling 84000 to carry out their goals of translation and global access efficiently and effectively. Please note that per sutra/ per page/ per phrase/ per word suggested donation amounts are approximations only, and the actual cost may be greater or lesser when the overall costs of translation, editorial work, publication, and project management are taken into account.

84000 is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization incorporated in Colorado, USA. Donations are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by U.S. law. 84000′s federal tax I.D. number is 45-4302237. Donations made from outside of the USA are subject to the laws of the country from which they are made. 84000 is pleased to honor the Donor Bill of Rights.