84000 eNews Issue 10 | September 2012
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… is how to most reliably and sustainably fund 84000’s 100-year translation effort.

… is how the painstaking work of translating the words of the Buddha is done.

In the US, Canada and the UK alone, there are over one million native English speakers who have adopted Buddhism as their spiritual path and who will directly benefit from our first-phase English translation effort. If only 6% of them sponsored one page each, the translation of the 70,000-page Kangyur would be accomplished! Read more about our first page drive.

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Rabjam Rinpoche on Resounding
The reading of the Kangyur is a highly meritorious practice in the Tibetan tradition. Rabjam Rinpoche tells us that this practice takes place regularly in the Tibetan monasteries, and explains the various ways of doing it.

In May 2012, 84000 held the inaugural public reading of the Kangyur in English at Found in Translation: An 84000 Sutra Resounding. Enjoy Rev. Chodrung Kunga's inspiring opening remarks and join us in witnessing the beautiful meeting of two cultures, as the ancient Tibetan sacred texts resound in a chorus of English voices.

Read more about Kangyur resounding.
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Up Close With A Translator
Ever wondered who the translators are, and how they actually get their work done?

Get up close with Ina Bieler, a translator from the Garchen Buddhist Institute, who has received grants from 84000 to translate a Kangyur text known as <The Sūtra on Purifying Karmic Obscurations>.

The first of a series of interviews with our translators, this conversation offers us a rare glimpse into Ina's journey as a translator and the translation process. We also learn about how your page donations have helped to support her work. Read more about Ina's interview.
Give to 84000 as you Shop/Play Online

The next time you plan to make online purchases, please take a moment to visit our website. When you access Amazon or iTunes from our website and make purchases, these online stores will donate a certain percentage to 84000, at no additional cost to you. Read more

84000 is a global nonprofit initiative to translate the words of the Buddha
and make them available to everyone.

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